Vision, Purpose and Values

Vision Statement

Cross Creek Church’s vision is to turn non-followers of Jesus Christ and people needing a church home into devoted, passionate, and fully developed followers of Christ in a Spirit-filled, edifying, caring, and upbeat atmosphere (that emphasizes celebration, relationship, spiritual growth, relevant ministry, and outreach).

Purpose Statement

Cross Creek Church has the following five-fold purpose.

Worship: We respond to God’s love with Spirit-filled contemporary Christian celebration. In worship, we acknowledge God’s awesomeness, goodness, and mercy.

Fellowship: We welcome and incorporate other Christians into our community of believers. As a part of fellowship, we care for and encourage each other.

Discipleship: We help God’s people to apply biblical truths to their lives. Effective discipleship will result in holiness, Christ-like character, and spiritual maturity.

Service: We show God’s love by serving others. We also demonstrate love for our neighbor by helping the needy.

Evangelism: We share the good news of salvation with non-followers of Jesus Christ and people without real hope. We use different methods of evangelism without compromising the Gospel.

Core Values

The core values are the practices and philosophies of Cross Creek Church as it pursues the vision.

1. We value practical Bible-centered preaching and teaching. This value will help people to overcome weaknesses and live lives filled with godliness, joy, peace, and love.

2. We value meaningful worship. Worship must come from the heart, be Spirit-led, joyful, reverent, and theologically sound. We express worship in contemporary ways.

3. We value exemplary leadership. Our leaders function as servants in a loving and caring manner, and not as bosses or dictators.

4. We value lost people (both adults and children). God sees lost people as valuable and so do we. Lost people must be sought out and found, and this occurs through outreach ministries that meet their needs. We also have a seeker-sensitive environment where people can freely explore the Christian faith without feeling coerced or threatened.

5. We value authentic community. We develop healthy, wholesome, and functional relationships where people give and receive love, support, help and care. Concern for and accountability to each other occur in authentic relationships.

6. We value having a grace orientation to life. We encourage people to serve the Lord Jesus
Christ in response to His love and grace, rather than out of fear, shame, or guilt.

7. We value everyone functioning as a minister. We encourage and assist each person to serve inside and outside of the local church. Pastors and other leaders have the responsibility to prepare and empower God’s people to serve.

8. We value intercessory prayer. This prayer is the catalyst for God’s manifest presence, salvation, healing, deliverance, restoration of relationships, and revival.